• Automating Daily Tasks with Bash: Real-world Examples

    Automating Daily Tasks with Bash: Real-world Examples

    Automation is the key to maximizing efficiency. If you’re managing a system, then there’s a good chance you’re performing several repetitive tasks daily. Bash scripting can help you automate these tasks and save significant time. Here, we’ll delve into ten real-world examples of how Bash scripts can assist in automating common system-related chores. 1. Disk…

  • PowerShell for SysAdmins: 10 Essential Commands You Must Know

    PowerShell for SysAdmins: 10 Essential Commands You Must Know

    PowerShell for SysAdmins: 10 Essential Commands You Must Know For system administrators, having the right tools at their fingertips can make all the difference. Microsoft’s PowerShell is one such tool, packed with powerful commands and scripting capabilities that make managing and automating administrative tasks on Windows a breeze. If you’re a sysadmin (or aspiring to…

  • Building RESTful APIs with Flask and Python

    Building RESTful APIs with Flask and Python

    Introduction Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It’s lightweight, flexible, and perfect for building RESTful APIs quickly. In this guide, we’ll create a simple API with best practices on structuring and securing it. Prerequisites 1. Setting Up Your Environment First, let’s set up a virtual environment for our project to keep our…

  • 10 essential tips for programming in Python.

    10 essential tips for programming in Python.

    Following Python programming guidelines, particularly the PEP 8 style guide and other established best practices, offers numerous benefits. Here are some compelling reasons to adhere to these guidelines. Readability One of the primary goals of Python programming guidelines is to enhance the readability of code. Readable code is easier to maintain, debug, and review. As…

  • Perl DBI Connect, Select, and Insert.

    Perl DBI Connect, Select, and Insert.

    In a previous tutorial we covered connecting to an oracle database using Perl DBI and XML::Simple. This tutorial builds on that lesson and covers how you can perform Select and Insert Queries against the Oracle Database. To recap we are connecting to our database using the DBI module and perl. In our lab setup, the…

  • How-to: Perl Arrays

    How-to: Perl Arrays

    In this tutorial we will cover Perl Arrays. Perl Arrays are a good way to keep a list of elements handy in memory for further reference later in your program. If you want to have a list, Perl Arrays are a good way to do this. Perl Arrays are more intensive on resources than hashes…