Category: How-To

  • Building RESTful APIs with Flask and Python

    Building RESTful APIs with Flask and Python

    Introduction Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It’s lightweight, flexible, and perfect for building RESTful APIs quickly. In this guide, we’ll create a simple API with best practices on structuring and securing it. Prerequisites 1. Setting Up Your Environment First, let’s set up a virtual environment for our project to keep our…

  • How-to: Perl Arrays

    How-to: Perl Arrays

    In this tutorial we will cover Perl Arrays. Perl Arrays are a good way to keep a list of elements handy in memory for further reference later in your program. If you want to have a list, Perl Arrays are a good way to do this. Perl Arrays are more intensive on resources than hashes…

  • How-to: Perl Hashes and Hashes of Hashes

    Introduction to Perl Hashes In this tutorial, we will cover Perl Hashes and Hashes of Hashes. Perl Hashes are a great way to store key => value pairs. Perl Hashes are stored in running memory so accessing the data stored in them is very fast. In more advanced cases you can pull data from a database…

  • How-to: Find The Size of All Tables In An Oracle Database

    I came across the need to total up the size of all tables in an Oracle database. The server housing the current database was End of Life and we needed to spec out the size of its replacement. I did not have DBA level access to the database but I did have the database user…

  • How-To: Find Empty Columns in an Oracle Database

    In this How-to I will show you how to find Empty Columns in an Oracle Database. I came across a situation where I found a whole bunch of records some of which were inconsistent. I needed to find a way to print the records with the blank columns. This way I could then give the…

  • How-to: Simple Bash Scripting

    This how-to is about simple bash scripting. Scripts come in handy when you when you need to do certain tasks in a unix environment. They come in handy when you need to to a task in seconds that would be otherwise so repetitive that it would take you all day. “While loops” save the day…