Category: How-To

  • How-to: Fix SSH Session Timeouts on Mac OSX Mountain Lion.

    Recently, we got an upgrade with Comcast that included phone service (does anyone still use land lines at home besides my grandmother?), and increased bandwidth. Increased bandwidth seemed great to me and I could just not use the phone, plus my monthly bill is somehow cheaper this way. Not sure who comcast has working in…

  • How-to: Connect and Query Oracle Database using Perl.

    Connecting to an Oracle Database is more of an advanced usage of perl and is not usually needed for every script. However when you start to develop interactive web applications with perl having a backend database is fundamental. This guide will teach you how to Connect and Query Oracle Database using Perl. In this example…

  • How-to: Create a simple Perl HTTP server

    I came across a situation where I needed to test access through a complex network of firewalls, nat’s and ACL’s to a server that was to be setup. Problem was the server was not ready yet, it was up but the application was yet to be installed. The application when installed listened on port 4321…

  • How-to: Create a PFX Certificate Bundle.

    A lot of platforms use what are called PFX bundles when dealing with SSL certificates. The cool thing about PFX bundles is that it keeps everything the SSL connection needs certificate wise in one tidy file. I recently had the pleasurable experience of having to create about 30 of these bundles, so I will share…

  • How-to: Create an Oracle Read-Only user on an Oracle 11g Server

    I recently had a situation where I had to create an Oracle read-only user on an Oracle 11g Database. Mainly for compliance reasons but I won’t bore you with that detail… I used Oracle 11G to set this up. Here are some commands I found helpful in configuring this read-only setup. I am not a…

  • How-to: base64 Encode a string using perl.

    One way of obfuscating a string is to base64 encode that string. This is not encryption, but there is nothing that stops you from base64 encoding an already encrypted string to obfuscate it even more. Perl makes base64 encoding really easy. Here is a simple one liner that will base64 encode a string. Additionally we…