Category: Linux

  • How-to: Simple Bash Scripting

    This how-to is about simple bash scripting. Scripts come in handy when you when you need to do certain tasks in a unix environment. They come in handy when you need to to a task in seconds that would be otherwise so repetitive that it would take you all day. “While loops” save the day…

  • How-to: Create a simple Perl HTTP server

    I came across a situation where I needed to test access through a complex network of firewalls, nat’s and ACL’s to a server that was to be setup. Problem was the server was not ready yet, it was up but the application was yet to be installed. The application when installed listened on port 4321…

  • How-to: Create a PFX Certificate Bundle.

    A lot of platforms use what are called PFX bundles when dealing with SSL certificates. The cool thing about PFX bundles is that it keeps everything the SSL connection needs certificate wise in one tidy file. I recently had the pleasurable experience of having to create about 30 of these bundles, so I will share…

  • How-to: Treesize script for linux.

    This is a simple Treesize Script for Linux. I take no credit for this script. I found it on the internet but it works very well so I am putting it here so I don’t loose it. Feel free to distribute. If you are the arthor of this script contact me and I will gladly…

  • How to convert a SSL certificate into PIM format.

    Sometimes depending on the application you need to convert your SSL certificate to a different format namely the PIM format. To convert your certificate to PIM format run the following command: openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey /etc/pki/tls/private/ -in -out Happy SSL’ing.

  • Generate a CSR using Subject Alternative Names on RHEL / CentOS 5.6

    This how-to has to deal with SSL and something called Subject Alternative Names. When a normal SSL certificate is generated its usually for one host for example The problem with this is that you cannot use the same certificate for say ftps:// The mismatch between the hostnames ‘www’ vs ‘ftp’ would cause issues validating…