Category: MISC

  • How-to: Convert .dmg files to .iso

    So I primarily run a Mac for most of my day to day activites. There are times though when I need to use Virtual Box to load a Windows 7 instance. I like to use ISO’s to install my VM’s as you don’t need to keep a CD-ROM available. However when you image a CD-ROM…

  • How-to: Using Ascii symbols in MAC OSX

    Today’s how-to is all about making special characters using ASCII key codes from OSX. Here are a list of some of our more often used asci symbols and how to make them using ascii codes. Its very simple but saves alot of time when you need to enter these characters in texts or posts. ¢…

  • How-to: Install the Xen Kernel on CentOS 6.3

    In this how-to I will guide you through installation of the Xen kernel on CentOS 6.3. If you follow this guide properly, you will be running Xen on CentOS 6.3 in no time. The first thing you want to do is disable SELinux on the system. SELinux and Xen do not play well together so…

  • How-to: Run PostFix Securely on the Internet

    Today’s how-to is all about our favorite MTA Postfix. For those of you who are not familiar with postfix, its one of the most popular mail transport agents available on Linux. Most of the time postfix can run with no configuration at all, however there are times when you want to access postfix from the…

  • How-To: Use SSH Tunnels to forward local ports to a remote machine

    Today’s How-to is about SSH tunneling. Tunneling is very helpful when you need to access a service securely over SSH, such as webmin or VNC. For this example I will show you how to tunnel VNC over SSH. Just change the port number for another service if that is what you need. Here is what…

  • How-to: Clear your DNS Cache on Mac OSX.

      Ever had the need to clear your DNS cache under OSX. Here is an easy way to do this from the command prompt on your OSX system. For MAC OSX 10.4 and below run this command: lookupd -flushcache For Mac Lion/Mountain Lion and later: dscacheutil -flushcache  sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder