Category: Oracle

  • Perl DBI Connect, Select, and Insert.

    Perl DBI Connect, Select, and Insert.

    In a previous tutorial we covered connecting to an oracle database using Perl DBI and XML::Simple. This tutorial builds on that lesson and covers how you can perform Select and Insert Queries against the Oracle Database. To recap we are connecting to our database using the DBI module and perl. In our lab setup, the…

  • How-to: Find The Size of All Tables In An Oracle Database

    I came across the need to total up the size of all tables in an Oracle database. The server housing the current database was End of Life and we needed to spec out the size of its replacement. I did not have DBA level access to the database but I did have the database user…

  • How-To: Find Empty Columns in an Oracle Database

    In this How-to I will show you how to find Empty Columns in an Oracle Database. I came across a situation where I found a whole bunch of records some of which were inconsistent. I needed to find a way to print the records with the blank columns. This way I could then give the…

  • How-to: Connect and Query Oracle Database using Perl.

    Connecting to an Oracle Database is more of an advanced usage of perl and is not usually needed for every script. However when you start to develop interactive web applications with perl having a backend database is fundamental. This guide will teach you how to Connect and Query Oracle Database using Perl. In this example…

  • How-to: Create an Oracle Read-Only user on an Oracle 11g Server

    I recently had a situation where I had to create an Oracle read-only user on an Oracle 11g Database. Mainly for compliance reasons but I won’t bore you with that detail… I used Oracle 11G to set this up. Here are some commands I found helpful in configuring this read-only setup. I am not a…