Today’s how-to is about WordPress and the bbPress plugin.
I recently did some site design for a client that wanted a forum website, with the ease of use of WordPress. To my rescue comes the bbPress plugin. The bbPress plugin allows you to turn your blog into a forum site easily. You can do this in a few short steps.
First install the bbPress plugin. Logon to your WordPress Dashboard, go to the plugins page and search for the bbPress plugin, click install and activate.
Second, create a few forums under the forums section of your Dashboard.
Third Step, create a new page call “Forums”. In this page put only this line [bbp-forum-index] and click publish.
Fourth Step, In your dashboard go to settings->Reading Settings. For your Front Page display, select static page and then select the page called Forums.
Its as easy as that. Once you have done these 4 steps, your forum site will be operational.
Enjoy and have a great weekend!